Saturday, April 16, 2011

God is the Solution.

Thousands are suffering and dying in the world around us right now. Do we recognize their need and help them or do we sit back and live our comfortable lives, consumed by our own needs and unwilling to take risks? Are we overly concerned with our reputations, so much that we refuse to do good and share with others? 

I'll be the first to admit that I struggle with this. I'd rather look good and let others suffer rather than be looked down on for the sake of reaching out to others.The song Solution by Hillsong speaks volumes to my heart. This world is full of evil - it's all around us and we can't escape it. We can pretend that it doesn't exist to try and make ourselves feel better but that is one of the worst mistakes we can make because it gives the devil a foothold on our lives and keeps us from being used by God to do good works and glorify his name. Let us not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good! (Romans 12:21)

Love in Christ,


  1. i love this. so inspirational.
    i am also loving your blog!


  2. mercy... parts of that were hard to watch. But I am so glad that your shared it. We work here in Belize against the commercial sexual exploitation of children. God is the solution.

    Thanks again.

  3. I agree...I cringed at some of the images. But it really impacted my heart. God bless you for the wok you're doing in Belize. I'll be praying for God's guidance and peace for you.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, Alida.

    Thank you for stopping by as well, Ben and Alex. :)

    In Christ,
